Sunday, June 15, 2008

"Your dog is eating an avocado!!"

If anyone is a sucker for good ol' fashioned wholesome t.v., it's yours truly. As far back as I can remember PBS has been the channel of choice in our household. Whether we were watching the 5 hour aerial tour of Rhode Island or the epic telethons (rife with witty telethon banter), PBS always made us feel squeaky clean. And it's in honor of this squeaky clean-ness that I've decided to pay homage to the show that I think is the squeaky cleanest of them all: "California's Gold with Huell Howser". The premise of the show, for those of you who have been deprived, involves Huell Howser taking the viewer on a 30 minute adventure to some of California's finest hidden treasures. Past episodes have included thrilling events such as the harvesting of a grapefruit from a 100 year old grapefruit tree in Little Tokyo, the original Cornish Carol Choir of Grass Valley as they reenact their 1940 concert of traditional Cornish Christmas Carols, and a trip to a computer recycling plant. Yes! The magic of Huell's show isn't in his uncanny ability to find the most benign locations in all of California, rather, it lies in his unsullied, heartfelt enthusiasm for these locales. Behold:

1 comment:

May Shelley said...

i particularly like his pronunciation of "Ahh-vah-cah-do"